Enabling visionaries on the frontiers of deep tech.
Investing in brilliance at the forefront ofscientific and engineering innovation.
We occupy a unique moment of opportunity. The rapid pace and scale of technological discovery has never been greater – demand for new tech-enabled solutions continues to surge.
Celesta Capital targets investments that transform industries, drive adoption of emerging tech, and radically improve health outcomes.
About Celesta
Celesta Capital targets investments that transform industries, drive adoption of emerging tech, and radically improve health outcomes.
We occupy a unique moment of opportunity. The rapid pace and scale of technological discovery has never been greater – demand for new tech-enabled solutions continues to surge.
Celesta Capital targets investments that transform industries, drive adoption of emerging tech, and radically improve health outcomes.
About Celesta
Celesta Capital targets investments that transform industries, drive adoption of emerging tech, and radically improve health outcomes.
Daring founders.
Landscape-shifting technologies.
View Our PortfolioCelesta's portfolio is comprised of promising early-stage deep tech companies with differentiated technologies and clearly identified market applications.
